You can upload files of a single board or a panel. We can perform panelization ourselves according to customer guidelines.
Instructions for generating Gerber files in a given program can be found on the Internet.
Please export gerber files with the following parameters:
- inch units
- 2:3 format
- apertures (RS-274 or RS-274X)
Drilling files (excellon):
- inch units
- 2:3 format
- suppress trailing zeros (omit leading zeros)
- reference to relative origin (mode absolute)
- coding ASCII
Please place the outline of the board/panel in a separate layer. (Keep Out).
Metallized holes reduce their diameter in the metallization process by approximately 0.1 mm. This should be kept in mind when designing the PCB.
Altium/Protel/PCAD files are the most convenient form of documentation.
Printed Circuit Boards - SMT and THT
Assembly - Electronic Components
Warsaw/Raszyn, Poland.
ul. Żwirowa 63, Puchały, 05-090 Raszyn
Sales Office:
ul. Puławska 34 budynek 31, 05- 500 Piaseczno
Tel./fax: +48 22 715 66 06 i 07 | |
E-mail: biuro.handlowe@komele.eu | |
Skype: KomeleBiuroHandlowe |